Demo of the CyCognito Platform

See the CyCognito platform in action to understand how it can help you identify, prioritize and eliminate your most critical risks. 

State of External Exposure Management, Summer 2024 Edition

Download the report now to stay ahead of emerging threats and strengthen your organization’s security posture for 2024. 

The Total Economic Impact™ of The CyCognito Platform

Read The Total Economic Impact™ of The CyCognito Platform — a Forrester study. Cost Savings And Business Benefits Enabled By The CyCognito Platform. 

External Exposure & Attack Surface Management For Dummies

As your attack surface has grown to cloud infrastructures and across subsidiaries, attackers are looking for and finding unknown and unmanaged assets to serve as their entry points. 

GigaOm Radar for Attack Surface Management

The expansion of an organization's attack surface continues to present a critical business challenge. Download the GigaOm Radar for Attack Surface Management to get an overview of the available ASM solutions, identify leading offerings, and evaluate the best solution for you.  

High Accuracy and Precision

Automated Security Testing

Test 100% of your external asset inventory, including web applications, devices, and cloud.

CyCognito automated security testing (AST) continuously tests from the outside in to find security weaknesses across your full inventory of exposed systems. Combining asset classification and active unauthenticated testing, CyCognito uncovers critical, hard-to-find issues and related business impact, such as an injection vulnerability on a payment application, or an unencrypted file exposing credentials in the cloud.

Cost Savings Calculator

Increase the value of your testing program.

IT Security teams are faced with stagnant or reduced budgets yet need to increase the value of their security testing programs.

Answer a few questions and receive an instant custom report sharing how you can reduce costs and boost your efficiency with CyCognito.

Reach Your Security Goals

Test what you’ve been missing.

Eliminate gaps in testing coverage and frequency that leave you vulnerable to incidents. CyCognito’s continuous testing closes gaps automatically, significantly reducing dwell time.

With over 80,000 remote checks spanning 35 threat and issue types, CyCognito’s regularly updated test catalog—including CISA’s Known Exploited Vulnerabilities (KEV) and other internally developed and third-party tests—ensures your organization stays ahead.

Act with confidence.

Identify critical risks and exposures with precision.

Avoid using risk detection tools that rely solely on banner grabs and software version lookups for vulnerability information.

CyCognito’s multi-pass and multi-engine test architecture quietly interacts with your full attack surface using precise payloads and clear success criteria. This ensures low false positives and accurate insights you need to act decisively.

Maximize Coverage

Reach the farthest corner of your exposed attack surface.

Eliminate staff and resource blockers that stop your team from discovering and testing exposures across your ever-changing external attack surface.

CyCognito’s fully automated SaaS platform is proven to scale to billions of assets, allowing you to safely test your full external attack surface, no matter your size. And our active security testing validates remediation efforts, allowing you to close tickets faster.

CyCognito: Powerful testing for all of your web apps.

Close gaps on your most common attack surface: the web application. CyCognito AST delivers app sec within safe, unauthenticated testing limits, as a fully automated SaaS platform:

Integrated dynamic application testing (DAST)
  • Probe for issues with unauthenticated, black-box testing
  • Test for critical undocumented vulnerabilities, such as misconfigured headers, data exposure, injection attacks and more.
Crawls 500+ pages
  • Integrated discovery uncovers apps across all divisions & brands
  • Includes large multi-page apps with complex paths
Safe, quiet tests on your production systems
  • Carefully curated test payloads ensure safety
  • 60,000+ node distributed test architecture
Full automation
  • Continuously test all exposed production web applications
  • No scheduling, management or monitoring required
Multi-pass and multi-engine architecture
  • Validate results using multiple test engines
  • Export results via UI and CyCognito API
API discovery and risk measurement
  • Automatically identify APIs tied to web apps
  • Quickly view unprotected APIs and APIs lacking encryption
Active Security Testing
Technical Datasheet

Active Security Testing

Continuous active security testing across the entire external attack surface is essential for organizations to reduce risk.

Vulnerability Management with the CyCognito Platform

Vulnerability Management with the CyCognito Platform

The CyCognito platform delivers proactive vulnerability management (VM) so you can eliminate the critical risks sophisticated attackers target first.

Related Resources

Learn more about key cybersecurity topics and how CyCognito addresses the challenges of managing risk across your external attack surface in the resources below.

Web Application Security Testing: Struggles, Shortfalls and Solutions

A survey of cybersecurity professionals in the U.S. and U.K. reveals challenges in web application security testing.

Learning Center API Security
8 API Security Testing Methods and How to Choose

API security testing focuses on evaluating the security mechanisms of application programming interfaces (APIs).

Automated Pen Testing for Efficient Red Teaming

Explore the complexities of manual pen testing and red teaming. How can you leverage automated pen testing solutions to optimize your team’s process?

Learning Center Application Security
Application Security: Risks, Process and Technologies [2025 Guide]

Application security (AppSec) involves safeguarding applications against threats throughout their lifecycle.