Can Humans Keep Up with Discovery?
Assuming a human could find all of the information the CyCognito platform does (up to fifty data points per asset, including IP address, name, type, owner, location, included technologies, related assets, known vulnerabilities, and threats), we estimate it would take at least one hour per asset on average for initial discovery and 30 minutes per asset to keep all of the asset metadata up to date.
So, one hour per asset, multiplied by a midsized attack surface of 5,000 assets, that's 5,000 hours, or over two work-years just for initial discovery. Spending 30 minutes per asset once per year to keep it up to date would add another 2,500 hours - over one additional work-year. On top of that, company attack surfaces fluctuate by +/- 10 percent monthly, adding even more hours of initial discovery per year for newly added assets. Lastly, the average attack surface size for an enterprise is 50,000 assets, not 5,000. That’s 30 work-years.