A proactive security approach is the practice of taking measures to predict and prevent a breach before it ever happens.
Proactive security teams fix security gaps before they can be exploited and mitigate their highest risks to stay ahead of potential attackers. Meanwhile, a reactive approach involves detecting incidents in-process or after the fact and responding, for example by implementing security solutions in response to a breach that already occurred. Proactive security emphasizes prediction and prevention over detection and response.
Eliminate alert fatigue and focus on the top 1% most critical issues in your attack surface through intelligent, automated risk prioritization.
Platform > Features
Remediation Acceleration
CyCognito helps you prioritize risks, verify remediation, automate workflows, and generate progress reports for more effective risk management.
Prioritization and Remediation
Download CyCognito's Prioritization and Remediation Technical Datasheet to uncover the benefits of risk-based prioritization in streamlining your remediation efforts.
Solution Briefs
Prioritize Risk and Accelerate Remediation
Learn about today's common problems within risk prioritization and remediation and how CyCognito can be implemented as a solution.