Demo of the CyCognito Platform

See the CyCognito platform in action to understand how it can help you identify, prioritize and eliminate your most critical risks. 

State of External Exposure Management, Summer 2024 Edition

Download the report now to stay ahead of emerging threats and strengthen your organization’s security posture for 2024. 

The Total Economic Impact™ of The CyCognito Platform

Read The Total Economic Impact™ of The CyCognito Platform — a Forrester study. Cost Savings And Business Benefits Enabled By The CyCognito Platform. 

External Exposure & Attack Surface Management For Dummies

As your attack surface has grown to cloud infrastructures and across subsidiaries, attackers are looking for and finding unknown and unmanaged assets to serve as their entry points. 

GigaOm Radar for Attack Surface Management

The expansion of an organization's attack surface continues to present a critical business challenge. Download the GigaOm Radar for Attack Surface Management to get an overview of the available ASM solutions, identify leading offerings, and evaluate the best solution for you.  

Cloud security is a broad term referring to the tools and processes organization’s use to protect assets and data stored in the cloud from cyber attacks and threats. This also includes data running in the cloud’s workloads, and anything housed in Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) applications.

There are different types of cloud computing categories under the umbrella of cloud security, including:

  • Public cloud services (public provider), such as Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), Infrastructure-as-a-Service (Iaas), or Platform-as-a-Service (Paas). In these cases, the software may be owned by a third party, the hardware is run by others, and only the data is owned by the primary organization.
  • Private cloud services (public provider), such as a corporation running email on G Suite rather than operating their own email servers. In this case, data and implementation may belong to the corporation, while the responsibility for the infrastructure is the provider’s.
  • Private cloud services (internal staff), such as IT staff running applications and workloads on servers that aren’t housed elsewhere in the cloud. In this case, the provider may be responsible for the server’s operation, but internal IT staff owns what runs on the servers, including applications and data.
  • Hybrid cloud service, which is perhaps the most common. It’s a hybrid environment that includes assets, applications, and data in each category.

The biggest challenge in a cloud security model is the difficulty of pinpointing who is responsible for securing what. Most security solutions advocate a shared responsibility model.

See Also

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CyCognito Cloud Connector

Automatic, continuous coverage of all cloud assets, now available for AWS, Azure, and GCP.

CyCognito Report

State of External Exposure Management, 2024 Edition

State of External Exposure Management Report

Critical vulnerabilities often hide in plain sight—especially in your web servers.

The report is a must-read for understanding today’s external risks and how to prioritize them effectively. Download the report to stay ahead of emerging threats and strengthen your security posture for 2025.